For this question, Where you want to setup, install there. For example, if you want to clone in desktop, you should go desktop path
like this(For Mac);
cd Desktop/
And then cloning this path.
After clone, We open this file on ide or anywhere, writing our code in file.
Now, changed this file, We should push this file to github.
Hence, we use this code ;
git add .
With this command, we added all changed file on network, we wait for push.
Which file added on network? Answer this question, We write this command and see to adding file.
git status
We are saw to adding file , Now We need to commit for then to remember the files which adding.
git commit -m "your_comment"
We prepared commit, Now all preparations are prepared, and we should push file n github
git push origin master
Note: master are name of branch on github, if you use another branch or don’t use ‘master’ branch we created new branch and push
git push origin branch_name
If you want to see branches in your repo,
git branch -a
If you created new branch
git branch name_of_newbranch
Now, you are in name_of_newbranch , but you want to return or switch another branch therefore