Bundle Error Middleman El-capitan
If your computer has OSX 10.11 El Capitan, and try to create middleman project then write bundle
to install gems. But you can get
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like above error. You have to solve problem with openssl
For fix it ;
then you can run bundle
now. For detail about this problem please look at this link
I hope helped to you .
Bootstrap Active Class Solution for Navbar in Rails
Sometimes while you are adding bootstrap to your rails app, you can getting some problem on javascript side. In this article I try to explain how we can fix active
class to navbar . For fixing, you can write in helper active_class
method like below
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Tricks on Rails
rake db:migrate
for an existing model
Firstly I created new rails app, after that created several models, or you make some changes on your model manually(wrong way), while you are running rake db:migrate
getting error for an existing model in your app. For fix that issue
you can write,
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Google App Engine - PHP
App engine ve PHP
Uzun zamandır ingilizce olarak yazdığım yazılara ufak bir ara verip, türkçe yazılar paylaşmaya çalışacağım. Tabi amaç dile yatırım yapmak, neyse lafı daha fazla uzatmadan biz konumuza dönelim. Bu yazımda, App engine ile PhpStorm üzerinde nasıl çalışır, nasıl proje oluşturulur ve nasıl deploy edilir işlemlerinden bahsetmeye çalışacağım.
Google App Engine
Öncelikle herhangi bir google hesabınızla Google App engine sisteme giriş yapmanız, hesabınız yoksada basit bir google hesabı oluşturmanız gerekmekte, siz hesabı oluşturduktan sonra google size ücretsiz 25 repoluk bir sistem oluşturuyor. Giriş yaptığınız sistemden öncelikle bir proje oluşturuyorsunuz. Sistemde proje oluştururken dikkat etmeniz gereken nokta Application Identifier kısmı zira burda aslında sayfanızın url kısmını belirlemiş oluyorsunuz (proje_id.appspot.com). Tabi belirledikten sonra daha önce böyle bir adres kullanılmışmı diye kontrol etmeniz gerekmektedir, yoksa projeyi oluşturamıyorsunuz.
Ardından localinizde PhpStorm’u çalıştırıp, Create New Project kısmından yeni bir proje oluşturup,
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kısımlarını girdikten sonra, Phpstorm sizden
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Rails Fix N+1 Query
How to fix N+1 query in Rails ?
I try to explain fix N+1
on example. Let’s start, firstly, in your rails application, you created association between user
and user_profile
models like below :
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How to Use getExtra and putExtra in Android for String Data
Use getExtra and putExtra
You want to get some information like name, surname, email when user login on Android, and show on second activity these information , we can use getExtra and putExtra . There are a lot of method for getting information from first to second activity, I try to explain getting with getExtra and putExtra on getting user name and surname to show second activity, let ’s start,
Firstly I created two label(TextView) for definition to name and surname and EditText for enter name and surname to users on
,Then we created new class under
folder and under the package nameSecondActivity.java
, and under the/res/layout/
folder createdsecondactivity.xml
.For definite and connect between main and second activity open
and create newactivity
for second .
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Note: Go Back to Previous Activity on Android
Method for go previous activity
If you make connection between first and second activity, this means, you can go to from first activity to second activity
but you can not return to previous page, for return to first page, we can use very common method, onBackPressed()
Where you want to use button for return from second to first, open your secondactivity.xml
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Ubuntu 13.10 : Missing Date and Time in the Menu Bar
Fix date/time in menu bar
If you are update or upgrade your pc, you can getting error about menu bar for date – time missing . For fixing this bug, you should write below commands step by step ,
- Re-install
run ,
Türkçe Makalelerim
Uzun zamandır düşündüğüm bloguma türkçe destek eklemekti. Bunun nedeni ise birçok yabancı konunun (yazılım anlamında) türkçe desteğinin olmamasıdır. Umarım faydalı olur.
Teşekkür ederim.
Note: How to Install Sticker-notes to Ubuntu Desktop?
I want to sticker notes for my pc, when I search about it, I found sticky notes
for Ubuntu 13.10
This notes provide to reminder of something like a agenda, when you wrote some notes inside,
you see always the notes. If you want to add sticker notes you can use below command.